Saturday, May 7, 2011


Rob Williams is a Historical figure who has not made it into high school history books. His contributions to bringing attention to the struggle for civil rights in America has been ignored. This blog is intended to begin a discussion about an aspect of the Civil Rights Era that has been kept in the dark for many decades. Self defense is a philosophy and strategy that was widely used by African Americans who were terrorized by white supremacy. This blog contains pictures, video links, book covers, a poem, an FBI wanted poster, and a political cartoon. These items should be analyzed and discussed. There are discussion questions after each item. Though we are in "modern times" the way the Civil Rights Movement is compartmentalized and rationed out illustrates a stagnate paradigm. It is time to move forward and shed light on every aspect of the Civil Rights Movement for this is the nature of historiography.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Brief history of the Black Guard

1. How does Rob Williams justify his ideas about self defense?
2. Compare and contrast Rob Williams and his father.
3. Why was Rob Williams told he should be like his father? Would it have been beneficial to him if he had?
4. Why did some African Americans disagree with Rob Williams? Should they disagree given their environments? Explain.
5. How did whites respond to Rob Williams in town when he carried a gun? Why?
6. During these times how were the "American norms" different for African Americans and European Americans?

Langston Hughes poem that appeared in Rob's newsletter

1. What is the following poem protesting?
2. Why did the poem use the word backlash?
3. Why would Rob Williams use the poem in his publications?
4. Who is the target audience of the poem? Explain your answer.
5. Why would Langston Hughes write this poem for Rob Williams?
6. Explain the prediction made in the poem.

Founders of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense

1. Why are the men in the picture armed?
2. What would the governmental leaders of this time think of this scene?
3. How did the decision to carry firearms affect the lives of the members?
4. Why would the men arm themselves knowing the consequences of their actions?
5. How were the men influenced by Rob Williams?
6. How would the strategies of these men affect activists today?

Cover of Rob's book

1. Why did Rob Williams use this name for his Book?
2. How would the public officials at the time respond to a book with this title?
3. How would this book be used at the time it was written?
4. What would history books at this time say about this book and Rob Williams (if he made it in the books)?
5. Who is the intended audience for this book?
6. What message is intended for this audience?

Crudader news letter political cartoon

1.  Who are the different groups represented in the cartoon?
2. What is the message of the cartoon?
3. Why are the different groups illustrated in different sizes?
4. Why is the article entitled "Revolution without violence?"
5. Write the ending of the first paragraph of the article.
6. What is the message of the article?
7. Why would this message be necessary?

Rob smiles at poster

1. How is Bob Williams responding to the wanted poster? Why?
2. Is this an appropriate response? Explain your answer.
3. Is the poster justified? Explain.
4. Why would Rob Williams be wanted?
5. Compare and Contrast the civil disobedience of Dr. King and Rob Williams.
6. Why did Rob Williams knowingly violate the law?

FBI wanted poster

1. What is the purpose of this poster?
2. Why is there a caution section on the poster?
3. Is the caution section of the poster accurate? Explain.
4. What did the poster say about the mental health of Rob Williams? Why?
5. What does this poster indicate about the leadership of the FBI at this time?
6. Would Rob Williams receive a fair trial if he had been caught? Explain?

Rob Mao and Mabel

1. Why was Rob and Mabel with Mao?
2. Why was this significant at this time?
3. Why did Mao support Rob Williams?
4.Why would Rob be associated with Mao, despite Mao's negative relationship with the American government?
5. How would this relationship affect his reputation in America?
6. How would this relationship be beneficial to his cause?

Mabel, Robs wife, tells her story.

1. What message is Mabel conveying through the cover of her book?
2. Who is her intended audience?
3. How might this book affect different groups of people at the time it was published?
4. How might this book affect the perspectives of people today?
5. Why would Mabel use the sub title she used?
6. What does the sub title explains about her perspective of Rob's ideas?

Rob Williams shares his ideas.
1.How did women in Rob's community affect his ideas?
2. Why were women targeted by white supremacists?
3. How did the courts affect Rob's ideas
4. What did Rob Williams think about the legal system before and after the court cases for the men who attacked the women?
5. How does using the term "violent self defense" instead of "self defense" affect how Rob Williams views are considered by people in his time?
6. Would using terms like "self defense", "we will defend ourselves against the violence" have made any difference? Explain.

Rob Williams teaches his wife to defend herself.

1. Explain what is happening in the photograph.
2. Why is this significant in the time period of the photograph?
3. How is Rob Williams different from others civil rights activists of his time?
4. Explain the rationale for the ideas of Rob Williams.
5. What would cause a leader of the NAACP to use this strategy?
6. Why do you think Rob Williams decided to teach women to use firearms?